We have a concern for evangelism, and a belief in the Gifts and workings of the Holy Spirit. We hold to the main ecumenical creeds of the church including the Nicene and Apostle’s creeds. However, the main points of our belief can be summarize thus:
Jesus Christ: We believe that Jesus Christ is Lord and God of the universe. In Jesus God has made himself known. Like Thomas we believe that every human being when faced with the reality of the risen Christ must fall to their knees and confess: “My Lord and my God” (John 20:28). In Jesus God has communicated fully and finally. Jesus Christ is God in human form and he alone must be worshiped and adored.
The Bible: We believe that the Bible is God’s word written. While Jesus is the living Word of God, the Bible is the written word of God. The Bible reveals who Jesus is and why he came and how we can live a full life in relationship with God through Jesus Christ. The Bible reveals the Gospel or Good News about God’s rescue plan for the human race. The Bible must be taught and studied and inwardly digested and followed. When the Bible is taught; God’s voice is heard.
The Church: one of the purposes of Jesus’ coming was to form a new family, a new community. This new community, the Bible calls the church. When we repent of our sins and put our faith and trust in the finished work of Christ, we are made members of this new community by Christ. We all become part of the worldwide church. But we must also become a member of a local church where we are nurtured in the gospel and in fellowship with others who are also part of this great big family. It is as part of this local community that we find support, encouragement, challenge and opportunities to serve Christ as we grow together in love and service. The local church is the body of Christ in a geographical area and we exist to be a witness for Christ in our area in Forest Gate.